Guest Post: Authors Making a Difference – Lillian Brummet

I am lucky enough to be able to bring you some more thoughts on writing and authorial influence today, in the form of another guest post from author and marketing expert, Lillian Brummet.

Here are some tips from her on ways that authors can make a difference when looking to publish and market their books, taken from her book Purple Snowflake Marketing.

Authors Making A Difference

Authors have the incredible opportunity to make a difference in the world of writing and how it affects the environment.

We can look for publishers who support charities, literacy groups and environmental organizations or other causes that align with our passions.

We can choose to work with publishers who make green purchasing decisions, recycle or incorporate recycled content in their books. Their in-house recycling practices might include all packaging materials that come with book shipments, including bubble wrap and cardboard boxes and inserts. Others might print each book in response to actual consumer demand, so no book is ever wasted. There are no excess print runs, no test runs, no stock runs, and nothing is sent to the landfill.

You’ll find a number of publishers are choosing acid-free paper for their books. Other forward-thinking publishers use paper that is certified by a Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) certified source. As you may or may not know, the SFI was established with only one goal in mind: to protect the environment, including the long term health of forest wildlife habitat and clean water, and to ensure that all future paper use will be offset by replanting forests.

When we choose to send the selected publishers a query, we can mention that their activities influenced your decision to work with them. Actions like these create a demand for a more conscious industry. At the same time we are able to market our work more effectively to today’s educated and environmentally concerned readers. Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you don’t see green or social initiatives on their websites, just by expressing interest in this option we can help accelerate the movement toward greening our industry.

Choosing to purchase promotional materials that were made with the environment in mind is another important consideration. The fact that the author has chosen this option gives them fodder for new talking points, blog post, article and press.

There are numerous opportunities for authors to donate books or a percentage of the sales (i.e. fundraisers for charities). From literacy organizations to writer’s groups, classrooms and libraries – there are just so many ways that authors can, and do, create positive change in the world through their work. Taking on charitable activities also gives authors an extra edge that might just get them the free coverage you are hoping for.

Blurb: The book offers a realistic outlook on what a new author can expect and how to employ research and preparation to make a memorable first impression. Viewed realistically it is packed with statistics to assist in making informed decisions. As you put together a marketing plan, you will be able to proceed with the confidence of a seasoned writer. Getting your book into the hands of paying readers is the most important goal of a writer and with the tools to do so the sales of your book will increase dramatically!

Purchase Link: Purple Snowflake Marketing on Amazon

About the authors

Lillian and her husband Dave are the team behind Brummet Media Group, high-fiving cheerfully as they pass each other on the way from checking off one item or other from their long to-do list.

Their business includes Dave’s music studio and percussion accessory products and graphic design work as well as numerous award-winning non-fiction books and popular blogs. 

Today we help them celebrate their book Purple Snowflake Marketing – How To Make Your Book Stand Out In A Crowd (May 2021).

Visit the Brummets:


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2 thoughts on “Guest Post: Authors Making a Difference – Lillian Brummet

  1. Thank you so very much for sharing this excerpt from Purple Snowflake Marketing on your wonderful blog!! It really is easy to make a positive difference 🙂 & I’m grateful to bring attention to some of the ways authors can have a positive impact!

    Liked by 1 person

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