
I am Steph, and Bookshine and Readbows is my book blog which was established in 2017.

It was an author and friend who recommended I give blogging a go, due to my love of reading and my informal work as a proof-reader.  Since then I have published many reviews; made more author, blogger and reader friends; and built up a small (but passionate) array of paid editing services.

I love all genres of books and am willing to give anything a go, but my personal bookcases are stuffed with comedic fantasy, urban fantasy and mystery series.

Aside from reading I have no other hobbies, as my ‘spare’ time is filled by my two children (8 & 5), two cats, one dog and a chronic illness (ME/CFS).  Reading has always given me relaxation, adventure and escape; and now blogging about books provides me with a creative outlet that allows me to feel productive without sapping too much of my energy.

Here is a link my Introductory Blog for a bit more about my reading habits, and we can all have a good laugh at the bit where I apologise that it can take ‘a few days’ for me to review… my current waiting list (two years down the line) is already full for the next three months!

And for a bit more about book blogging and some useful links to other sites, check out this Kindlepreneur post here:  https://kindlepreneur.com/book-review-blogs/.

Here’s to sharing the #booklove and #HappyReading!